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Wednesday 4 April 2018

SAP RZ11: Parameter (login/fails_to_session_end) Limit Logon Attempts

SAP RZ11: Parameter (login/fails_to_session_end) Limit Logon Attempts

Before we learn to limit logon attempts we need to know parameter -

What is a parameter?

Parameter is the set of keys and values to manage the SAP system.There are two types of parameters -
  1. Static: - It needs a restart. It doesn't effect to the system immediately once you set the value for it.
  2. Dynamic: - It does not need restart. It effects to the system immediately once you set the value for it.

How to view a parameter?

Step 1) Execute T-code RZ11.
SAP RZ11: Parameter (login/fails_to_session_end) Limit Logon Attempts
Step 2) 
  1. Put parameter name "login/fails_to_session_end" in text-field.You can put any Parameter name.
  2. Click Display
SAP RZ11: Parameter (login/fails_to_session_end) Limit Logon Attempts
Step 3) The screen below shows the current value set for the parameter by the admin
SAP RZ11: Parameter (login/fails_to_session_end) Limit Logon Attempts
In order to change a parameter, click the pencil icon and make desired changes

Important Parameters to limit login attempts

  • login/fails_to_session_end: This parameter specifies the number of times that a user can enter an incorrect password before the system ends the logon attempt. The parameter is to be set to a value lower than the value of parameter
  • login/fails_to_user_lock: This parameter specifies the number of times that a user can enter an incorrect password before the system locks the user against further logon attempts. Default value is 12. You can set it to any value between 1 and 99 inclusive.

How to Lock (SU01) & Unlock (SU10) a SAP User

How to Lock (SU01) & Unlock (SU10) a SAP User

Locking a user

The Purpose of locking user is to temporarily deactivate the users so that they cannot longer access the system.

Users can be locked in 2 ways:-
  • Automatically
  • Explicitly/Forcefully
Automatically: - There are two possibilities when users get lock automatically
  • Maximum number of failed attempts:- controlled via the parameter login/fails_to_user_lock. If a value is set to 3 it means after 3 failed attempts user will be locked.
  • Auto unlock time: - "login/failed_user_auto_unlock" defines whether user locked due to unsuccessful logon attempts should be automatically removed at midnight.
Explicitly/Forcefully: We can lock and unlock users in 2 ways-
  1. Lock single user (SU01)
  2. Lock multiple user (SU10)

Procedure to lock a single user

Step 1) Execute T-code SU01
How to Lock (SU01) & Unlock (SU10) a SAP User
Step 2) Enter a username in User field.
How to Lock (SU01) & Unlock (SU10) a SAP User
Step 3) Press Lock/Unlock button
How to Lock (SU01) & Unlock (SU10) a SAP User
Step 4) In the next screen, Press Lock button again to lock the user.
How to Lock (SU01) & Unlock (SU10) a SAP User

Procedure to lock multiple users

Step 1) Execute T-code SU10
How to Lock (SU01) & Unlock (SU10) a SAP User
Step 2) Enter users a username in User field.
How to Lock (SU01) & Unlock (SU10) a SAP User
Step 3) Press Lock/Unlock button
How to Lock (SU01) & Unlock (SU10) a SAP User
All the users listed will be locked

Procedure to unlock a user

Step 1) Execute T-code su01
How to Lock (SU01) & Unlock (SU10) a SAP User
Step 2) Enter username in User field.
How to Lock (SU01) & Unlock (SU10) a SAP User
Step 3) Press Lock/Unlock button
How to Lock (SU01) & Unlock (SU10) a SAP User
Step 4) Press Unlock button
How to Lock (SU01) & Unlock (SU10) a SAP User

Procedure to unlock multiple users

Step 1) Execute T-code SU10
How to Lock (SU01) & Unlock (SU10) a SAP User
Step 2) Enter users' username in User field.
How to Lock (SU01) & Unlock (SU10) a SAP User
Step 3) Press Unlock button
How to Lock (SU01) & Unlock (SU10) a SAP User
Users will be unlocked

SU01: How to Create a New User in SAP

SU01: How to Create a New User in SAP

Following are the detailed steps to Create a user in SAP
Step 1) Execute T-code SU01
Step 2)
  1. Enter Username which you want to create.
  2. Click the create button
SU01: How to Create a New User in SAP 
Step 3) In the next screen
  1. Click the Address tab.
  2. Enter Detials
SU01: How to Create a New User in SAP
Step 4) Choose the user type in Logon Data tab.

There are 5 types of users in sap:-
  1. Dialog user: - Normally it is used for interactive system access from GUI (used for human users)
  2. System user: - Normally it is used for Background processing, communication within a system.
  3. Communication user: - It is used for external RFC calls.
  4. Service user: - Dialog user available to a larger, anonymous group of users.
  5. Reference user: - General, non-person related users that allows the assignment of additional authorizations. Example, Internet users created with transaction SU01. No logon is possible.
SU01: How to Create a New User in SAP
Step 5) Type the initial password for 2 times.

On first logon of the new user , system will ask to re-set the password.

 SU01: How to Create a New User in SAP
Step 6)
  1. Select the roles tab
  2. Assign roles as per requirements
SU01: How to Create a New User in SAP
Step 7)
  1. Select the profiles tab
  2. Assign profiles as per requirements
SU01: How to Create a New User in SAP
You can assign SAP_ALL and SAP_New profile to user for full authorization.
  • SAP_ALL:You assign this profile to users who are to have all R/3 authorizations, including super-user authorization.
  • SAP_NEW:You assign this profile to users who have access to all currently unprotected components. The SAP_NEW profile grants unrestricted access to all existing functions for which additional authorization checks have been introduced. Users can therefore continue to work uninterrupted with functions which are subject to new authorization checks which were not previously executed.
Step 8)
  1. Press save
  2. Then the back button (F3) button
SU01: How to Create a New User in SAP
User will be created!

How to Delete a Client in SAP SCC5

How to Delete a Client in SAP SCC5

Following are the detailed steps to Delete a client in SAP
Step 1) T-code which is used for client deletion is SCC5.
How to Delete a Client in SAP SM50
Step 2)  Click on "delete in the background" to run client deletion as background job. You can also check the option "Delete an entry from T000" table.
How to Delete a Client in SAP SM50
Table "T000"  contains clients' entry which we have created in SCC4.
How to Delete a Client in SAP SM50
Step 3) Check the status of  client deletion process using  SM50.
How to Delete a Client in SAP SM50
Workprocess overview will open. "BGD" denotes background workprocess.
How to Delete a Client in SAP SM50
Once complete. Client will be deleted

SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export

SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export

Client Copy

We can generate a blank client with SCC4.But how to fill the data in the client? "Answer is the client copy."
Client copy means "transferring client specific data" within the same instance(SID) or between different instances(SID).
Client copy can be performed with three different methods -
  1. Local client copy.
  2. Remote client copy.
  3. Client Import/Export.
Below brief details are given about client copy methods.
Local Client Copy: - This method is used to copy client within the same instance (SID).It is done by T-code SCCL.
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export
Remote Client Copy: -This method is used to copy client between different instances(SID).It is performed by T-code SCC9.
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export
Client Import/Export: - This method is used to copy client between different instances(SID).It is performed by T-code SCC8
Client Copy Pre-steps
To avoid data inconsistencies there are few pre-steps to be performed before starting client copy:-
1) Disconnect and lock business users(SU10).You can end the session of active users in the system through SM04. Once all users are logged out, check that no canceled or pending update requests exist in the system.
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export
 2) Suspend all background jobs
  • Execute SE38 as given below.
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export
  • Fill program name with "BTCTRNS1" as above figure.
  •  Press Execute.
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export 
3)  For a local copy, the system must have enough space in the database or tablespace.
For remote copy, target system must have enough space in the database or tablespace. Check space using Tx DB02.
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export 
4) To avoid inconsistencies during client copy users should not be allowed to work in source client.

5) rdisp/max_wprun_time parameter should be changed to 2000 second as a SAP recommendation . Although you use parallel processes and schedule job in the background, dialog processes will be used.

Local Client Copy

Local client copy is performed using Tcode SCCL. 
  • Source Instance & client := DKM-000
  • Target Instance & client := DKM-202
Step 1) Create an entry for your new target client using SCC4. In our scenario, we will create client 202 in DKM system.Log on to this newly created target client (DKM-202) with user SAP* and default password pass.

Step 2) Excute T-code SCCL.
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export
Step 3)
  • Select your desired profile
  • Enter Source client.
  • Enter Description

SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export
Step 4) By default Client Copy is executed as a single process. A Single process will take a lot of time. We will distribute the workload of single the process to parallel(multiple) processes which will reduce time in copying a client.
  1. Select Goto from the menubar.
  2. Select Parallel Process.Parallel processes are used to exploit the capacity of database better 
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export
Step 5) Always execute long running processes in background mode rather than foreground/dialog mode. In fact, some processes run more quickly in the background.
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export
Step 6) The client copy logs are available in SCC3. Status - "Successfully Completed" means client copy is completed.
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export

Remote Client Copy:-

This technique uses Remote function call. You can view RFC from SM59. This technique depends on the network, so network connectivity must be strong enough.

Source Instance & client := BD1-101
Target Instance & client := DKM-202
Step 1) Log on to the target system. Here we will log on to DKM system. Create a new target client entry(202) using SCC4. Log on to this new target client with user SAP* and default password "pass".Here we will log on to DKM-200 system.

Step 2) Execute Transaction Code SCC9.
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export 
Step 3) Fill the basic details as per your requirement.
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export 
Step 4) Select Parallel Process.Parallel processes are used to exploit the capacity of database better.
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export 
Step 5) Schedule the client copy in background
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export 
Step 6) The client copy logs are available in SCC3 as given below.


SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export 

Client Import/Export

For large database, it is recommended to use client import/export instead of remote client copy.
Source Instance & client := PKT-300
Target Instance & client := DKM-202
This technique always starts with client export step.

Note: - You must have enough space in the /usr/sap/trans_SID file system to perform the client export.

How to export client?;

Step 1) Log on to the target system(DKM). Create an entry for your new target client using SCC4.Log on to the source system/source client(PKT).

Step 2)Before you import a Client you need to export.Export is nothing but transferring data files and co-files from source system's database to target system's import buffer.Execute T-code SCC8.
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export 
 Step 3) 
  • Select profile
  • Choose target system. 
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export 
Step 4) Schedule the export in background
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export 
Step 5) Once the job is executed  data files and co-files of profiles from PKT system's database are transferred to DKM system's import buffer.Once we will import request in DKM only then it will be reflected in a database of DKM system.

Depending on the chosen export profile there can be up to 3 transport requests created:
  • Request PKTKO00151 will hold the cross-client data,
  • Request  PKTKT00151 will hold the client dependent data,
  • Request  PKTKX00151 will also hold some client dependent data.

How to import the client? 

Step 1) Log on to the newly created target client(DKM-202) using SAP* and password pass.

Step 2) Start the STMS_IMPORT transaction
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export

As shown below, import queue will open
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export 
Step 2) Select the transport requests generated by client export .Import theses transport requests on the target client.

The transport requests should be imported in the following sequence:
  1. Request PKTKO00151
  2. Request  PKTKT00151
  3. Request  PKTKX00151
The system automatically detects these are client export transport requests and automatically performs the import of the 3 requests.
The import logs can be seen in STMS_IMPORT.
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export 
Step 3) Post import phase:- 
Once the import is done, execute SCC7  to perform the post client import actions,
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export 
Schedule the post import job in background.
SAP Client Copy: Local, Remote, Import/Export 
Step 4) Import log will be available in SCC3. The Client is successfully imported.

SAP RZ11: Parameter (login/fails_to_session_end) Limit Logon Attempts

SAP RZ11: Parameter (login/fails_to_session_end) Limit Logon Attempts Before we learn to limit logon attempts we need to know parameter ...