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Tuesday 3 April 2018

Introduction to SAP Basis

SAP Basis:- 

SAP Basis administrators are responsible for keeping all your SAP environments stable, secure, and meeting the needs of users. An SAP Basis administrator needs to check system logs daily, and differentiate between minor glitches and serious problems.
For example, SAP uses locks to temporarily restrict access to business objects while they’re being changed. When a lock fails to release, the SAP Basis admin can just manually release it. However, if this keeps happening, it can indicate a more serious problem in app configuration, job scheduling, sizing, or some other area. The SAP Basis administrator needs to find and fix the root cause before the problem leads to performance degradation.

SAP Basis Administrator: Responsibilities

In addition to monitoring, analyzing and troubleshooting SAP Basis, the admin has a wide range of duties:
  • Architecting the Environment: SAP Basis admins identify resources (such as personnel, hardware and/or software) that are needed for successful installations and upgrades, as well as to keep up with future use patterns.
  • Implementing Best Practices: Business and Basis tasks intersect in complex ways that can affect the way your organization runs. Basis staff streamline these tasks to promote efficiency and ease of use.
  • User administration: Users are given roles in SAP corresponding to job functions. An SAP Basis administrator fulfills user and role management requests, such as provisioning roles to new hires, rescinding permissions when workers leave, and spotting SOD conflicts between roles.
  • Managing SAP Transports: SAP transports (i.e. updates) need to be carefully tested before they’re migrated to production. Admins must review transport requests, configure and test transports, gather signatures and install transports in the correct order.
  • Scheduling Background Jobs: SAP background jobs are what they sound like — routine processes that run in the background. An SAP Basis administrator schedules and runs these jobs during times of low demand, so that they don’t overburden system resources.
  • SAP Tuning: The best SAP administrators spend more time on performance tuning than troubleshooting. By analyzing system performance, user demand and other factors, an SAP administrator can ensure consistent performance and avoid the need for heroics.
  • Disaster Recovery/High Availability: An SAP administrator is responsible for backing up and restoring the environment, and testing the backup systems. These SAP Basis administration tasks are often outsourced to a cloud disaster recovery partner, who can generally improve reliability and lower costs.

1 comment:

SAP RZ11: Parameter (login/fails_to_session_end) Limit Logon Attempts

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